Music Formula

In some scores a formula is given to indicate the order in which the tunes should be played. Each part of each tune is assigned a different letter.

The symbols used are as follows:

* (asterisk) Repeat the following part(s) as many times as required.
_ (underscore) Stop and wait before the ‘dance off’.
( and ) Enclose two or more parts which are played sequentially, observing any repeat marks.
. (stop) No significance - used to make the formula readable by indicating when one tune changes to another.
A or B or C etc. Denotes a part of the tune - usually a 4, 8 or 16 bar phrase.
1 or 2 or 3 etc. The number of times to repeat the following part(s).

Some examples:

A Play A part once
3B Play B part 3 times
2(CD) Play C part followed by D part twice
4EF Play E part 4 times followed by F part once
*(AB) Play A part followed by B part and repeat until ready (or finished)
D_A*B Dancers stop after D part, then dance off to B part which is repeated as required.

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