The Buttercross Belles Music

The Tunes

The tunes are a mixture of common and not so common 6/8, 2/4 and 4/4 time single and double jigs, measures, polkas and marches. Most are two or three part tunes of 4, 8 or 16 bars per part. There are some instances where tunes have been adapted or extended to produce music with the correct number of bars to fit the dance; one recent dance has required the use of a tune with 2, 4 and 6 bar parts.

Points to note when selecting tunes:

The Arrangement

In order to integrate the dance and music the music played for the Buttercross Belles' dances' is chosen and arranged with the greatest care. In most cases each dance has at least two tunes, the chorus (distinctive figure which appears between dance figure) has its own tune, or part of a tune. The length of the music played for the figures is adjusted so that a clear and distinct change can be heard when changing from one figure or chorus to the next. Being able to associate a particular tune with a particular part of the dance helps both dancers and musicians to know where they are without having to ‘count’.

Points to note when arranging the music:

The Performance

As is usual with dance music the tunes are played in a Staccatissimo style with a ‘swing’. A single instrument plays the ‘intro’ to set the pace after which any other musicians and percussion players join in. When ready the dancers start to the call of ‘This Time’. At the end of the dance the music stops dead after the dancers have been given sufficient music if they are ‘dancing off’. If the dance comes to an end with the dancers ‘in position’ the call is again ‘This Time’. The music stops dead with the dancers, who will ‘dance off’ when the music starts again after a short pause and introduction.

Points to note when playing for the dance:

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© 2002 The Buttercross Belles
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